Don’t do drugs… And certainly don’t do them and drive through a school zone

Posted on August 19, 2024Comments Off on Don’t do drugs… And certainly don’t do them and drive through a school zone

It’s one thing to drink and drive, but it’s another level of recklessness to do drugs and drive in a school zone.

Unfortunately, that was the potentially deadly situation faced by Victoria Police when they detected a 49-year-old driver allegedly speeding at 111km/h in a St Kilda school zone.

The vehicle was detected at about 9am on Friday August 16 as a part of Solo Unit officers conducting speed checks outside a primary school on Brighton Road.

The 49-year-old from Elsternwick underwent a preliminary oral fluid test, allegedly testing positive to methamphetamine.

In Victoria, first-time drug driving offenders face court-imposed fines of up to $2371, while exceeding the speed limit by 45km/h or above attracts a $3952 fine.

The woman’s vehicle was also impounded at the scene at a cost of $896.10.

According to Victoria Police, she will face charges of dangerous driving, driving under the influence, and driving with a suspended license.